Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Bit Offset Reality.

Okay, so I will officially be eighteen years old on october 12. I am thinking about moving out. actually im in the application process of an apartment, which is exciting. My parents aren't too fond of it, which is normal right? But I feel as if they are a bit extreme.
I understand my Security deposit is 645$
Monthly rent is 595$
Water and sewage is 30$
Maybe 100$ for electric at most
and food maybe 150$
Equaling 1,520 the first month.
Then all the other months 875.
BUT there are three people sharing this apartment.
First month would be 510$/ea.
then 440$/ea. all the other months.
and we all have jobs.
I have two, one I;m a cashier working 23hrs a week getting 8$ an hour
and the other I start Saturday making minimum wage at 7.25$ an hour for 8hrs a week plus I get tips.
My room mate is a cook at a bar, she makes minimum working 15hrs a week plus tips. She just put in applications every where close to us. We called back Payless Shoes today and they said they are looking at applications so they put her name on the "possible" list, were both hopping she gets it. She loves shoes...TOO much.
I know nothing about the third well, mostly because its my room mates guy friend and I've tried to stay out of other peoples bissiness. :]

But any who that.s all for now.
If you have an ideas for potential jobs, or budgeting please let me know.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Okay so here I start, I am currently just beginning my senior year of high school. Seventeen and young. I do some writing, I guess you can say creative writing is my strong point. I hate guidelines but I hate trying to think of random ideas on the spot. I also enjoy Hair design, Make-up, and Web/Graphic design. And at the moment I have nothing else to write. sk me questions and I'll respond :]

And yes I know my blog looks like crap but, I'll fix that soon enough.
